Monday, July 7, 2008

Listing Art on e-Bay

OK, other artists reading this are probably thinking 'you're crazy' or 'yeah, you better list for .99 because that's all it's worth'. Either way, that's what I just did. I listed a bunch of my paintings (some are 18x24) on e-Bay with most bids starting as low as .99, two starting at 4.99 and I believe a few at 9.99. We'll see what happens.

Things are so slow now, I thought I would list pieces that I was thinking of painting over anyway because for some reason or other, I'm not really as pleased with them as I once was.

Also, I remember reading sometime back a blog from one of the most successful e-Bay selling artists of all time (whose work now sells for thousands of dollars), that when she first started selling her art on e-Bay she would list everything at .99, sometimes pieces would sell for .99, sometimes they would be bid up to a more fair price and it was a risk she was willing to take in order to get her work out there. She basically did this until her work could command much higher starting bids. I wish I had the guts (and inventory) to do that. I guess I'm a little more attached to some of my pieces and if they sold for too low, I would be really upset. (Maybe that's why I'm listing older pieces that have been around for awhile. I'm over 'em.)

Anyway, it will be interesting to see what happens. It's sort of a little experiment. But, with e-Bay so fucked up right now - with all that best match bull shit, who knows if anyone will even see my listings. I'm not about to pay 9.95 for feature plus on a .99 listing. It's so depressing over there, I don't know why I keep putting my work on e-Bay.

Do you know what insanity is? It's when you keep doing the same thing over again and expecting to get a different result each time. That's it, I'm insane. E-Bay has driven me insane.

That bring's me to my quote for this blog and I should look at my .99 art sale this way:

"There is an ancient meta-physical law that says if we desire more abundence in our lives, we must create a vacuum to allow ourselves to receive the good we seek. The way to create that vacuum is by giving away what we no longer need or desire but what can serve others."

Nice. 'Til next time.


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