Why am I blogging? Does anyone read these things? Will it bring my art any exposure and ultimately any sales? I'm doing this because 'they' - the powers that be, said "in order to sell art online, you have to have a blog". What do they know? I guess we'll see.
I'm not posting any additional work tonight, because it's late and I just wanted to post since it's been a couple of days since I've done so. Will anyone read this? God only knows.
You know, I think I have to post tomorrow or another time when my thoughts are clearer and I can show some more of my work. Also, I have to build a web site. I currently have an e-Bay store -
www.katcrosbyart.com, but haven't sold anything in a month and I think e-Bay is getting ready to dry up as far as art sales go. They are getting too greedy with listing and final value fees. Now they want their sellers to not charge shipping fees. What the F? We won't charge shipping but will go up on our prices, which will make it that much harder for starting artists like me to sell. (I can't imagine it being any harder.)
So, in the long run, it will bring in more money for e-Bay in the way of Final Value Fees. They think they are so smart - who do they think they are dealing with? Do they think we or the buyers are that stupid? Come on, give me a break. And, very few people that shop e-Bay for art are willing to pay what the art is really worth, they want garage sale prices. OH, OH, OH, and, sellers can no longer give negative feedback to buyers!!!!!!! So basically a buyer can bid whatever, say $10,000.00, on a piece of art, never pay for it and get off scott free!!!!! No negative feedback, no nothing. What's up with that shit? Unbelieveable!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, enough of my rant against e-Bay. I guess the good thing about blogs is it gives you a forum to rant and put your thoughts out there. Yeah, but does anyone really read these things?
Till next time.